The UP situation

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Published at 12.07.22

«where professors pretend to be lecturing and students to be studying»

The purpose of this publication is to briefly identify the main issues faced by the University of Prishtina (UP) from the post-war period to date. Consulted for this purpose were various documents and strategies compiled by the UP, higher education laws adopted by the Kosovo Assembly, reports, analyzes and studies of various NGOs on the UP, then various progress reports of the European Commission (EC), etc. From the review of the abovementioned material, it turned out that the UP faces the following problems: unqualified academic staff; selection of academic staff on party /clan /nepotistical /corrupt basis; undeserved academic advances; plagiarism; lack of coherent curricula, related to the needs of the economy and society in general; lack of scientific journals; lack of subscriptions to international scientific journals; lack of libraries; outdated mandatory literature for students; lack of professors’ evaluations by students and students’ assessment by professors with outdated methods; the number of students disproportionate to the number of professors and the physical space; politicized student organizations, etc.

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